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Missing Ijeoma Neke Found Dead In Maryland Enugu (Photos)- Cyclergist

 Ijeoma Neke is a makeup artist with Instagram name wake_n_makeup, she was last seen on 11th November 2020 being Wednesday.

Matters Arising gathered that, Ijeoma went for home service makeup job on Wednesday 11th November 2020, and is yet to return.

On another report made to available to Matters Arising says that Ijeoma body has been found lifeless in Maryland area Enugu.

According to the report, it was gathered that Ijeoma was kidnapped, and the kidnappers reportedly pour acid on Ijeoma and dump her dead body around Maryland.

Stay connected To NAIJA COVER . COM while we are Trying to investigate and to bring you the compressive report of the satanic incident.

See Photos of Ijeoma Neke, As Obtained By NaijaCover Below:

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