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No Helicopter Was Shot Down In Borno - United Nations, NAF - Cyclergist

 The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Nigeria (UNOCHA) has discredited reports suggesting a UN helicopter was shot down by Boko Haram fighters, Igbere TV reports.

“Contrarily to ongoing rumours, no UN helicopter was hit nor crashed today in north-east Nigeria. Please refrain from sharing any unconfirmed information. Thank you,” a tweet on Tuesday by the office read.


The Nigerian Air Force in its statement admitted that a UN helicopter was in Banki community but did not crash.

“No helicopter crashed today in Borno state. A UN helicopter indeed undertook a mission to Banki and has since returned to Maiduguri,” the air force said in a statement.


Igbere TV reports that it was alleged that a WhatsApp message shared among UN staff in Nigeria suggested the helicopter had an emergency landing in Banki.

“UN-HAS (humanitarian air service) helicopter had issues shortly after taken off from Banki to Maiduguri and had to make an emergency landing. Banki military arrived the scene to provide security coverage while the team conducted emergency repair and the helicopter eventually flew back to Maiduguri,” the message read.


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